5 integrations that bridge the gap between Workplace and Microsoft

Learn about key integrations that enhance adoption, communication and knowledge-sharing across tools.

Employees today are using more work tools than ever before. In fact, the average company uses a whopping 129 work apps. With so many tools at their disposal, employees are forced to constantly switch between apps to get and share information.
We understand that different employees have varying needs and different sets of tools to meet them. Desk workers, for example, may be using Microsoft tools like Teams to collaborate with their coworkers, while frontline workers use Workplace groups and chat to keep their teams up to date.
But your work tools should always be working together, not working against each other. That’s why we offer integrations that bridge the gap between work apps to ensure employees can reach, connect and engage with one another across all of the tools they use to get their day-to-day work done.
Read on to learn about key integrations with Microsoft tools like Teams, SharePoint, OneDrive and more.
1. Sync Workplace with Microsoft Teams
1. Sync Workplace with Microsoft Teams
Want to share this video with your Workplace community? You can download it here.
The Workplace integration with Microsoft Teams works in two ways:
  1. Admins can pin Workplace to the sidebar of Teams. Teams users who click on Workplace will be prompted to log in before being shown an abridged version of their News Feed, including posts marked as important at the top.They will be able to view, react and comment on posts directly from Microsoft Teams.
  2. Any Teams user can add a Workplace group feed to their Teams channel. This helps people managers ensure that their teams don’t miss out on important content and conversations happening in Workplace groups that are relevant to their roles.
You can learn more about the benefits of the Microsoft Teams in integration this guide. If you’re a system administrator who's interested in learning about how to enable the integration in your Workplace, visit the Workplace Help Center.
2. Use Plugins to share Workplace content to SharePoint
2. Use Plugins to share Workplace content to SharePoint
Plugins allow you to share single Workplace posts or entire group feeds (from open and closed groups only) to SharePoint, as well as internal websites and intranets. Users will be able to view and react to posts in SharePoint, and those reactions will be shown in Workplace as well.
Workplace admins have control over Plugins. Only they can see and create the embed code from a Workplace post or a group feed that they have access to. Admins can also choose when to turn on Plugins and which destination sites to allow via the Admin Panel.
No user data is shared between the third-party destination site and Workplace. Plugins respect the privacy of the original content by only showing it to users who are logged in to Workplace in the same browser. As an extra safety check, if the content belongs to a closed group, the user can only see it if they are a member of that group.
Want to enable Plugins for your Workplace? Visit the Technical Resources to learn how.
3. Send Workplace event invites to Outlook calendars
3. Send Workplace event invites to Outlook calendars
Have an upcoming Live video broadcast you want people to tune in for? When you create an event in Workplace, you can send invites to third party calendars, including Outlook and Gmail. This helps you ensure that people don’t schedule meetings over your broadcast and that employees are reminded of the event each time they view their work calendar.
4. Share files or whole folders through OneDrive and SharePoint
4. Share files or whole folders through OneDrive and SharePoint
The Workplace integrations with OneDrive and SharePoint allows Workplace users to share single files or whole folders in Workplace posts. Anyone with access to the file or folder will see a preview of the content on Workplace. Users will also be able to link OneDrive folders to a group. The folder will appear at the top of the Files tab in their group.
Learn mre about the OneDrive and SharePoint integrations here.
5. Automatically manage Workplace users with the Azure AD integration
5. Automatically manage Workplace users with the Azure AD integration
Workplace integrates with Cloud Identity Providers, including Azure Active Directory, to make managing Workplace users automatic and painless.
With the integration enabled, every time a new hire is added to your active directory, they are automatically added to Workplace. Anytime a person leaves your organization, that user is automatically deactivated on Workplace. Changes to employee personal information that are made in Azure AD are also reflected in Workplace, which helps you ensure that people are assigned to the right groups automatically based on criteria like location, department and role.
This saves your System Administrator precious time that would otherwise be spent updating user info on multiple tools and adding and removing people from People Sets manually.
To learn more about automatic account management using the Azure AD integration, visit the Technical Resources.
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