Creating a home for people managers in Workplace

Getting your people managers to fall in love with Workplace is your fastest way to amazing adoption. And the best way to do that is to make Workplace useful to them while showing off what it can do for their teams.

employee engagement - Workplace from Meta

Getting your people managers to fall in love with Workplace is your fastest way to amazing adoption. And the best way to do that is to make Workplace useful to them while showing off what it can do for their teams.

Not sure how? Don’t worry - we’ve got your back.

Below are some tips and tricks for setting up a people manager group in Workplace and turning it into an amazing resource and community. The kind of home they can’t help but fall in love with:

Building their new home

Building their new home

The first step is to create your group and set up a people set to make sure all of your people managers are members of it

Create your closed people manager group without a chat in Workplace and give it an attention-grabbing name like “Be the Best Manager You Can Be”.

Get a list of the email addresses for your people managers in Workplace (Your HR or payroll systems should have them). Use it to create a “Managers” people set in your Admin Panel. Update it regularly.

Assign the people set to your people manager group. Later you can use the people set to send surveys to your managers through Workplace.

Start with a pinned post

Start with a Pinned Post

A pinned post is the first thing people will see when they visit your group. Use one to let people know what this group is for and to share links to resources managers need. If you want to get really fancy, you can include a short recorded video from an executive welcoming everyone to the group.

Things you'll do in your new fancy group

Things you'll do in your fancy new group
“What’s Happening This Week” posts

Help managers out by writing a weekly post that highlights other important posts around Workplace that managers should really know about.

You can also mention new resources for them they might have missed. This alone gives them a reason to keep coming back.

Crowdsource great manager tips and tricks

Your best managers have a lot to teach everyone around them, and this group will help them do that. Once a month, profile an experienced manager and have them record (and share) a short video with their best management tips.

You can also create a poll post asking the group to share (and vote on) tips on a particular management topic. This gives managers visibility and recognition they normally wouldn’t get. You can even take those best tips and build a Knowledge Library Category for the group that lists them.

Turn it into a Q&A Group:

Encourage managers to ask the group for advice. Recruit a few managers up front to write posts asking for advice on common management challenges to get everyone comfortable asking their own.

You may want to add a “Manager Advice” section to your pinned post that links out to a few of these posts. Think of it as a living FAQ.

Share career development resources and opportunities

Make sure managers are aware of resources you have for them by sharing them out in the group regularly. You could even create Learning Guides in the learning tab of the group around certain management topics to promote career development and management best practices. (don’t forget you can track who completed the guides in Group Insights)

You can also share great blog posts, articles or posts from other groups. And recruit leaders to join Live sessions to give career advice and answer questions.

Build a Knowledge Library category for managers

You should definitely use Knowledge Library to create a people manager resource hub of your own. You can create FAQs, resource pages, and even community-solicited guides in addition to linking out to your formal learning resources for managers.

Create a Knowledge Library collection with useful categories, subcategories, files, and links for your managers. Then pin it to the group so it’s easy to find. Check out our Knowledge Library Resource Hub and the Work Academy for more information on how to do it.

Help them and their teams get better at using Workplace

Use this group to share some of the tips and tricks you’ll find in the Be the best boss they ever had! class in the Work Academy and in the Workplace People Manager Guide.

Share the Workplace Adoption Booster Toolkit - which is full of quick tip videos, premade posts, and challenges they can run with their teams.

Want to get more suggestions and even share your own tips? Check out our Chief Workplace Officer community and chat with some of our most knowledgeable customers.

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