What Knowledge Library APIs can do

Learn how Knowledge Library API can help you sync and migrate resources across tools.

The Workplace Knowledge Library APIs are there primarily to help you handle content migration and syncing between multiple knowledge tools. If you’re still not sure what relationship you want your Knowledge Library in Workplace to have with existing tools like your intranet, Sharepoint, or wiki, take a moment to read this section of the 5 Amazing Ways to Use Knowledge Library guide. And if you’re not yet familiar with the Workplace APIs in general, visit our developer documentation for more information.
What the APIs Are Used For

What the APIs Are Used For

The Knowledge Library APIs can be used in a variety of ways, but most important are:
  • Migrating content into Knowledge Library from another system
  • Syncing content between Knowledge Library and another system
  • Sharing Knowledge Library analytics with another tool
  • Scanning for objectionable content
Migrating Content Into Knowledge Library From Another System

Migrating Content Into Knowledge Library From Another System

This is for integrations designed to migrate content from another system into Knowledge Library. Typically this is used by organizations who are looking to replace an old system like an intranet, wiki, or other repository with Knowledge Library. It can also be used to strategically migrate some content from another tool into Knowledge Library because it’s more accessible. Alternatively, organizations occasionally use it to archive their Knowledge Library content as a part of their existing data retention policies.
Syncing Content Between Knowledge Library and Another System

Syncing Content Between Knowledge Library and Another System

While the APIs can be used for one time migrations, they can also be used to regularly sync content between Knowledge Library and another system like an intranet, wiki, or other content repository. This can allow you to take content from an intranet that’s not mobile friendly, for example, and regularly push it into Knowledge Library. Likewise you could create monthly employee newsletters in Knowledge Library and make those available elsewhere in your organization. This allows you to avoid having to edit the same content in two different places every time you need to make a change.
Sharing Knowledge Library Analytics With Another Tool

Sharing Knowledge Library Analytics With Another Tool

If you have a centralized tool you use to analyze the performance of your knowledge content across multiple systems, you can leverage the Knowledge Library APIs to get the following information:
  • A list of employees who have viewed a category or subcategory
  • A list of employees who have reacted to a particular category or subcategory
  • The comments left on a category or subcategory
Each of these also supports a summary field for the total count and allows you to filter the data by time frame using the since and until fields.
Ensuring Compliance With Content Policies

Ensuring Compliance With Content Policies

Though this is often done with webhooks, organizations can use the APIs to ensure that content from the Knowledge Library (or that is being migrated in from another tool) complies with existing content policies. With the right permissions, your integration can read a category’s content field and then search for particular words or types of content (like social security numbers). It can also use the /comments edge to scan through comments made on a category or subcategory page.
The Basics of Knowledge Library API

The Basics of Knowledge Library API

The Knowledge Library APIs are part of the /community and /category objects of the Graph API for Workplace. You’ll use the knowledge_library_categories edge of the Community object to create new categories or Quick Links, and you’ll use the Category object for everything else.
There are two sets of Knowledge Library API permissions governing your integration: Read Knowledge Library Content and Manage Knowledge Library Content.
The Read permission allows your integration to do several things, including:
  • Get a list of your current Knowledge Library categories
  • Get content from a specific category (or subcategory)
  • Get additional information about a specific category or subcategory such as audience, viewers, commenters, and authors.
  • Get a list of the Knowledge Library homepage Quick Links
Meanwhile, the Manage permission allows your integration to:
  • Create, update or delete a category or subcategory
  • Set the audience, title, and icon of a category
  • Upload photos, video, or files to a category or subcategory
  • Create, update or delete a Quick Link
You’ll use POST for content creation and for editing/updating any part of your Knowledge Library, and you’ll use DELETE to delete categories, subcategories, or Quick Links.

What Comes Next

If you aren’t sure what you’re going to use your Knowledge Library for, or if any of the above uses for the API are relevant to you, then read the 5 Amazing Ways to Use Knowledge Library guide.
Likewise, if you aren’t familiar with the Workplace APIs in general, take some time to visit our developer documentation.
And if you’re looking to learn more about Knowledge Library in general, be sure to explore our Knowledge Library Resource Hub.
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