The 2023 Employee Engagement Calendar

Download the employee engagement calendar and discover campaign ideas and inspiration, communication best practices, key international dates and links to helpful resources.

A comms planning framework for 2023.

Regular cadence and planning are crucial to a successful internal communications plan. But, depending on budget, resources, time and the size of an organization, planning effective internal comms campaigns can be tricky. So we're here to help

Invite dialogue and strengthen your organizational culture.

Explore internal communication ideas and inspiration that can strengthen your community and get people talking. The calendar offers a wide range of examples you will be able to draw from year-round.

Register for the monthly email

Each month, we will send even more employee engagement inspiration directly to your inbox. You'll also get links to the latest resources and see a look ahead to upcoming months. Register for emails here.

Want to learn more?

Download the calendar to get a handy baseline for internal comms for the year. You can update, add and tailor these recommendations based on your organization’s business needs.

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