Why Japanese business leaders need to connect deskless workers

Deskless workers in Japan feel highly disconnected from the rest of their organizations. Brand new research shows how this is bad for business and why leadership teams need to give people a voice.

Why Japanese business leaders need to connect deskless workers

3 ways to connect your deskless workers

We spoke to nearly 250 senior managers and over 1000 frontline employees throughout Japan about connectivity in the workplace. The results make for a challenging read: 61%1 of deskless employees in Japan believe there are barriers to communication at work. Only 5% of them feel connected to leadership. And this disconnect is hurting innovation, company culture, and productivity in workplaces all across the country.

Our new Deskless Not Voiceless report explores the steps Japanese business leaders can take to connect deskless workers and give them the voice they need.

The report covers:

  • Why connecting deskless workers gives you access to an untapped source of insight, knowledge, and ideas
  • Why the disconnect between your managers and deskless employees is damaging productivity and company culture - and how you can fix it
  • How to create spaces where deskless employees can interact and connect with leadership teams

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