Why Australian business leaders need to connect deskless workers

Why Australian business leaders need to connect deskless workers

Only 5% of deskless workers feel connected to leadership

How connected is your workforce? That’s the question we put to over 1,250 managers and deskless employees in businesses across Australia. The results are startling.

Only 5% 1 of Australian deskless workers feel connected to leadership teams. 60% of them don’t feel empowered to share ideas. This hurts innovation, company culture and productivity in the workplace.

Download the report and learn:

  • Why connecting deskless workers gives you access to insight, knowledge, and ideas
  • Why the disconnect between managers and deskless staff is damaging productivity and culture
  • How to create spaces where deskless employees can connect with leadership teams

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Only 5% of workers feel connected to business leaders. Fill out this form and connect with the other 95%.

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