Q&A: Maria Escubos

Get to know Maria Escubos (Director of Product Marketing, Workplace) and find out what the best part of her job is, her advice on making big career decisions, and which trends she thinks will impact the way we work in 2022 and beyond.


What do you do at Workplace?

I lead the Product Marketing team. Our mission is to translate market understanding into products and solutions that drive customer value. We do this in two ways. Firstly, by bringing a deep understanding of customer and market needs to inform product development, and secondly, by leading effective go-to-market initiatives to bring our products to market.

What’s your favorite part of your job?

The people! People are a company’s greatest asset, and I am so fortunate to be surrounded by an incredibly talented team that shows up every day committed to doing their best work.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

Whenever making big career decisions, always make sure you are running towards something you are excited about, not running away from something that makes you unhappy. Do the work of understanding what’s not working, what you want next, and create a set of opportunities that allow you to explore the different paths of getting to where you want to go next. When you’re running away from something, you’re not acting out of ambition and a growth mindset, you’re acting out of fear and frustration — and that is a far less empowered place from which to make decisions!

What advice would you give someone who’d like to work at Workplace?

You’ll get to work with some incredibly talented people here, and it should feel like a privilege to learn from your colleagues and your team. Come with an open mind about the value you can add, but also the immense amount you will learn!

Can you describe your team in three words?

Resilient, influential, determined.

What piece of tech can you not live without?

My Apple Watch! I’m very competitive and those fitness rings aren’t going to close themselves…

What would we most likely find you doing on the weekend?

What is hopefully a healthy balance of cooking/eating out with friends and sports (swimming, running, strength training…!). Once upon a time it was traveling, but that was put on hold in March 2020.

What’s something most people don’t know about you?

I speak five languages fluently: Spanish (mother tongue), English, German, French and Italian.

Can you recommend any good films or books?

‘The Glass Castle’ by Jeannette Walls. I read the book first and a couple of years later the movie came out. Both excellent but strongly recommend starting with the book!

Tea or coffee? Cats or dogs?

Coffee and dogs!

What do you predict will be the big trends of 2022 in terms of how we work?

We’re all going to be adjusting to that elusive ‘new normal’. Developing norms for a mix of people connecting to work meetings on VC and in-person. Investing thoughtfully in inclusion to make sure the flexibility we’ve gained in the last two years does not come at the expense of participation and ensuring everyone’s voice can be heard!


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