Leveraging groups for real-time communication

BRAC is an international nonprofit with a mission to empower individuals and communities struggling with illiteracy, disease, and social injustice. They create solutions to help these communities achieve their full potential.

Better communication, less confusion

BRAC struggled with finding a way to share major announcements with every employee at once. They also lacked a real-time platform to coordinate global response in times of crisis. With Workplace, they were able to fill these gaps within their internal communications.


“Workplace helps our organization coordinate to bring help to people in need, and make real-time decisions that impact lives.”

Kam Morshed
Director, Advocacy for Social Change - Technology and Partnership Strengthening Unit

Transparency and authentic leadership

BRAC created a group to share messages from the executive director and gather feedback on major announcements and plans. One such post cleared misconceptions about a specific tax ruling.

Bridging management and field

BRAC uses groups for program teams to communicate, such as for the 'emergency response' team helping the districts of Bangladesh suffering from flooding. District representatives share updates in real-time and post photos, allowing senior management to witness the situation and quickly provide guidelines to field staff.

Key Features

News Feed

Stay up to date with the information you care about.


Connect to the tools you’re already using.

Workplace Chat

Make quick decisions with instant messaging and video calls.