How an Employment Brand Manager uses Workplace to share content, results, and thanks

How do we use Workplace to connect and build our own business? We meet an Employment Brand Manager at Facebook to find out.


Business communication is key to an Employment Brand Manager. Carefully curating content, collaborating across global teams, and attracting tech talent can be challenging. Lisa O’Brien, Employment Brand Manager for Facebook, shares just how effortless sharing and communicating has become with Workplace.

“I use Workplace to share new content,” Lisa tells us. “Whether that’s blogs, videos, Live broadcasts, Facebook or LinkedIn campaigns. It really helps my team communicate seamlessly and globally, so we can act very quickly.”

Content creation is just one of the many aspects of Lisa’s role as an Employment Brand Manager. And in a fast-paced environment, it’s important that the team can share content as quickly and as widely as possible.

Untangle work with Workplace

From informing everyone about the return to the office to adopting a hybrid way of working, Workplace makes work more simple.

Making work better and faster

Making work better and faster

“As you can imagine, we move really fast. We’re busy - and our recruiting partners are busy - having conversations with potential candidates. So when I create a new blog post for a recruiting team, I can post that on multiple different Workplace groups and encourage everyone to share that post for seamless communication. This really helps our content make an impact and scale to the right people.”

“Sharing content via Workplace groups really helps our content make an impact and scale to the right people.”

With Workplace, cross-sharing content globally has quickly become the norm. “I think back to last year when we didn’t cross-share,” Lisa says.

“But now we’re like one team. As soon as we see something that someone in recruiting or comms has posted, we can share that onto our channels in Workplace to increase our partnership globally. We use a social platform to feed out messages company-wide - it helps us maintain a flat organization and helps everyone know what’s going on.”

Access to the right information at the right time

Access to the right information at the right time

Using Workplace to share results and learnings has been important for Lisa. It means she can instantly communicate successes with the team and easily review previous campaigns and draw from experiences.

“I can go back to a particular presentation that someone’s posted on Workplace and be influenced and inspired. Whereas, if everything is stored in different drives, it’s often impossible to find out this information.”

“Workplace helps us increase our global partnerships. It helps us maintain a flat organization and helps everyone know what’s going on.”

Transparency is becoming increasingly important for successful companies and Lisa explains the benefits of ownership when it comes to sharing results both as a team and individually.

“With Workplace everyone in the company sees exactly what’s going on,” Lisa says. “It really helps with ownership and it influences your own staff and colleagues to share news with other people externally to help a story grow and stretch much wider.”

Building connected communities

Building connected communities

Workplace not only allows for ownership but gives every employee a voice. As an Employment Brand Manager, Lisa finds this particularly useful for gauging instant feedback. “With emails, they're just not interactive so you’re not getting all the feedback."

"It’s so much more efficient to have comments, likes, reactions, polls, rather than just an email thread. Everyone becomes individual communicators rather than just group communicators.”

“With Workplace, everyone becomes individual communicators rather than just group communicators.”

But for Lisa, when asked her favorite aspect of Workplace, it was simply the ability to say thanks:

“It’s an amazing way to spread recognition especially in a company which is growing so quickly. It goes back to being appreciative of what every single person in the organization does - a simple thank you goes a long way.”

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