Build More Powerful Groups With New Group Insights

New metrics for group admins give a greater insight into how people use your groups. So you can make them even better.


New metrics for group admins give a greater insight into how people use your groups. So you can make them even better.

Using Workplace groups allows you to share information quickly across your organization. But until now, group admins didn’t always know who used their groups. And it was sometimes a challenge to understand how often people visited, how they engaged, or to explore changes in membership.

We’ve heard your feedback and are now pleased to announce the introduction of group insights. A brand new tool that allows your group admins to instantly monitor engagement in your most important groups.

Group insights give group admins better visibility over their groups. And the tools to optimize and improve them.

Group insights give group admins better visibility over their groups. And the tools to optimize and improve them.

Group insights give you use statistics in three different sections:

  1. Growth: Track membership growth and group membership requests
  2. Engagement: Measure posts, comments, and reactions over time. See the most popular days and times for member engagement. And review the top posts in the group
  3. Membership: See your top contributors
Interactive reporting. Actionable insight

Interactive reporting. Actionable insight

Group insights offer three interactive reports. You can also download them and take a deeper look at the data. Group insights help group admins make decisions about groups and make the right changes so people get the most out of the information they share.

Use the data to easily identify and connect with top contributors. Or schedule important executive posts for peak days and times for maximum visibility and engagement. Because your reports are available for up to 60 days, you’ll be able to track the impact of your actions and find out what works.

More impact. More engagement

More impact. More engagement

Group insights can make an impact in any group. If you’re the admin of a company-wide group you can use group insights to understand your active audience and the best times to show corporate announcements. Or you can use the data to check out the top posts and contributors for your small project team group.

This is the first time you can use Workplace to track historical usage patterns and use that data to improve engagement. So we can’t wait to see how you use group insights to make it even easier to bring people together.

How does it work?

How does it work?

  • Go to the Group navigation bar > More > Group insights
  • Land on the “Growth details” section
  • View 3 different report tabs: Growth details, engagement details, member details:

    1. Growth: Track membership growth and group membership requests
    2. Engagement: Measure posts, comments, and reactions over time. See the most popular days and times for member engagement. And review the top posts in the group
    3. Membership: See your top contributors
  • You can scroll over each interactive graph to find specific daily metric details
  • You can adjust data timeframes between 3 different settings: Last 7 days, Last 28 days or Last 60 days
  • And you can export each report tab by clicking “Download Details”
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