Making work faster, bringing people closer, and making company culture stronger. Here are 6 lessons from our Transform events this year.

Our global Transform events bring people together to learn from cutting edge organizations, explore best practices, and get the inside track on new Workplace product features and updates. This year, we kicked off our 2019 Transform season in London, and here’s what we learned.

Untangle work with Workplace

From informing everyone about the return to the office to adopting a hybrid way of working, Workplace makes work more simple.

Transformation can happen quickly with the right tools and leadership buy-in

Transformation can happen quickly with the right tools and leadership buy-in

After a successful Workplace pilot at O2 in the UK, the team at Telefonica pitched a global Workplace rollout to the chairman and board of directors. They got the green light. But with one huge caveat - they had to do it in 2 weeks.

So unfolds the amazing story of team collaboration that led to a Workplace deployment to over 110,000 employees in just 14 days (and in time to broadcast the global All Hands meeting Live to the whole organization). Take a look.

Transforming your internal comms involves acting more like a marketer

Transforming your internal comms involves acting more like a marketer

The mobile revolution has created a visual world where things move fast - and it’s had profound effects on the way people consume content. Marketers know this. And they’re creating content for social media that engages with potential customers when they’re moving at speed. Internal Communications professionals need to do the same.

Here, MC Garneau from Facebook’s Creative Shop explores how Internal Communications teams can start to engage with employees in the same way that marketing teams engage with consumers.

Connecting frontline workers is critical for business success...

Connecting frontline workers is critical for business success...

A recent Gallup survey confirms that connected companies are more profitable and productive. But the results from our Deskless not Voiceless report show that only 14% of people working on the frontline feel connected to their HQ and management. Here, Karandeep Anand, VP Workplace by Facebook explains the scale of this disconnect and offers up a solution.

... And CEOs who engage with the process reap the benefits

... And CEOs who engage with the process reap the benefits

Debbie Lewis, Managing Director at Clarins UK Group thinks connecting leadership teams with frontline staff is really important. And at Transform London, she shared why it’s crucial for CEOs to lead these efforts from the front and to engage with the technology. Here, she explains why there's no better platform than Workplace for CEOs who genuinely want to hear and engage with frontline workers.

Connecting people helps transformation efforts in multiple parts of the business

Connecting people helps transformation efforts in multiple parts of the business

When Debbie and her team were considering Workplace, they identified three key strategic objectives - and wanted a platform that would enable all of them. In this clip, Emilie Manoury from Clarins UK Group, shares why Workplace was the right solution and explores why people now feel the Workplace effect across many different parts of the business.

More transparency can transform company culture and help attract talent

More transparency can transform company culture and help attract talent

Finding and recruiting top talent in Hospitality is a constant challenge. A shifting, uncertain labor market, pressure on costs, and negative perceptions about careers in the sector make it difficult to build a meaningful culture people want to buy-in to.

Here, Daniel Davis of Honest Burgers, tells how his team is using Workplace tools to promote career progression, build meaningful communities, and so attract and hire leaders of the future.

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