Workplace – Terms Updates and Privacy Shield

We are revising our Workplace Privacy Policy, Acceptable Use Policy, and Enterprise Agreement. We are updating these terms to make them clearer and to reflect the continued development of our service. As part of this update, we are also pleased to announce that Facebook Inc. will be joining the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield for the Workplace service.
In our updated documents, you’ll find:
  • Information regarding Workplace and the EU-US Privacy Shield Framework. We have made updates to our Workplace Privacy Policy to disclose our intended participation in the Privacy Shield program. For more information about Facebook Inc.’s participation in the Privacy Shield program, please go here.
  • Simplified documents. We are making Workplace services available to all companies and as a result, have clarified our documents to make clear that the service is intended for use by organizations, each of whom will sign an enterprise agreement governing their use of Workplace.
  • Workplace is not the same service as consumer Facebook. Facebook and Workplace share common infrastructure and systems that allow us to provide our services, help keep them secure, and to quickly innovate so that new consumer Facebook features, such as Live, video and group calling, and Reactions, are readily available in Workplace. However, Workplace’s terms make clear that you are not required to have a consumer Facebook account in order to use Workplace and that, even if you do have a consumer Facebook account, you can create a separate account to sign up for Workplace.
  • Reiterating our commitment to protecting your data. To underline our commitment to safeguarding your data, we have created a Privacy Shield addendum to our Workplace Enterprise Agreement, which restates our respective obligations and helps to ensure that data transfers align with EU law.
For more information regarding our participation in Privacy Shield, please see the below resources:
Effective Date: September 29, 2016