Sharing pronouns in Workplace
Workplace now allows people to share their pronouns on their profile. Learn how to enable it in your Workplace and educate your community.
Pronouns are words we use in conversation to refer to someone without using their name. Common ones you might be familiar with are she, her, he, and him, but there are many other pronouns that you and your coworkers might identify with.
It’s common to assume you know a person's pronouns based on their outward appearance and expression, but pronouns aren’t something you should interpret just by looking at someone. Many people use pronouns that might not correspond to how you perceive their appearance. That’s because pronouns are deeply personal and tied to one’s internal sense of self.
Using people’s correct pronouns is an important way to show respect and honor their identity. It’s also a way to create an accepting and inclusive environment.
Workplace now allows organizations to enable an optional profile field that employees can use to share their pronouns with coworkers. By sharing pronouns openly in Workplace, people can signal to others how they’d like to be referred to and learn how to refer to others correctly.
This guide will walk you through how admins can enable the pronoun profile field and promote it in their communities. It also walks employees through adding their pronouns to their profile and where they will be visible.
System admins: enabling the pronoun profile field in your WorkplaceSystem admins: enabling the pronoun profile field in your Workplace
To make the pronoun profile field available for employees in your Workplace, admins can go to Settings in the Admin Panel. Then, click on the Profile Fields tab and toggle on Pronouns under personal info.
Once you enable pronouns in your Workplace, all employees will have the option to add them to their profile. To help employees display their pronouns and to educate your community on why they’re important, check out this communication template.
Users: displaying pronouns on your profileUsers: displaying pronouns on your profile
Workplace allows you to display the pronouns you’d like others to use when referring to you and update them at any time.
Pronouns are often formatted with slashes, for example: they/them, she/her/ella or ve/ver/vis. The text in this field can also be in any language and will not be auto-translated.
Your pronouns will be displayed on your Workplace profile. They will be visible when people hover over your name on Workplace and in Workplace Chat. They will not be used to refer to you elsewhere on Workplace.
If you choose not to add a pronoun, the field will not display on your profile. If you’ve added a pronoun and would like to remove it later, deleting the text in the field will remove it from your profile.
For step-by-step instructions on how to share your pronouns or enable them from admin settings, click here to visit the Help Center.
Other helpful resourcesOther helpful resources
- Building an Inclusive Workplace: A PDF guide to help you amplify your D&I programs with the community-building power of Workplace.
- Be the Ally Campaign Kit: A template internal campaign you can use in your own Workplace to educate and engage employees.
- The Culture Carrier Toolkit: Identify, reward and empower the people in your organization who drive positive cultural change.
- Diversity & Inclusion: Learn how Workplace can amplify existing D&I programs and help you build more community and connection at work.
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