Pride Month Trivia Campaign

Ring in Pride Month with a campaign that celebrates LGBTQ+ history and culture.

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Last year, Pride celebrations and related in-person events were canceled around the world. Even as many parts of the world start to emerge back from lockdown, Pride will likely look different this year. To help you celebrate during the month of June, we put together a template internal campaign you can use to educate and engage your organization.

Start your week off by sharing a question GIF in one of your all-company social or discussion groups. Be sure to invite employees to share their answers as comments on the post. Then, end each week by sharing the answer GIF, which provides both the correct answer and some background information to help people understand its significance.

We recommend adding your own links to relevant resources that employees can explore in more detail. If your organization offers learning and development opportunities around diversity and inclusion and unconscious bias, be sure to promote these in the post copy as well. Additionally, we highly recommend inviting guest speakers to go Live to discuss LGBTQ+ history and diversity initiatives in your organization.

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