What's New in Workplace? May 2022

All the latest Workplace product announcements and feature releases.

This month, we're excited to share several exciting updates to Workplace features including Shifts, video captions, Surveys and more.
Post open shifts

Post open shifts

Frontline managers can now post an open shift to help fill shifts that are scheduled unexpectedly. Open shifts are posted to your team for anyone to offer cover on web or mobile. Managers can then approve someone to work the shift. To create open shifts, managers must have group admin or moderator permissions. Learn more about open shifts in the Workplace Help Center.
See video captions that need reviewing

See video captions that need reviewing

Post authors can now see which captions in their video transcriptions need reviewing. This can help them fix mistakes and improve the quality of their captions before publishing them.
View insights from groups across your Workplace

View insights from groups across your Workplace [admin only]

Workplace admins can now explore insights for groups from across their organization without being the designated admins of such groups. This helps admins easily monitor the growth, engagement and membership insights of particular groups. Admins can also download group insights for specific date ranges up to one year back. Go to the Help Center to learn more about Group Insights.
Convert email accounts to email-less accounts to take advantage of access codes

Convert email accounts to email-less accounts to take advantage of access codes

We're making it easier for email-less workers to access Workplace. It's now possible to convert a claimed email account to an email-less account. This way, users without an email account can use access codes to log in or reset their password. Go to the Help Center to learn more about email-less access.
Add up to 10 questions to Workplace Surveys

Add up to 10 questions to Workplace Surveys

Previously, Workplace surveys had a limit of 5 questions. We have now updated these so that you can add up to 10 questions per survey. You can learn more about running employee experience surveys in this guide.
Search by campaign name and creator name in campaign insights

Search by campaign name and creator name in campaign insights

Campaign admins can now find specific campaigns by filtering them by campaign name or creator, as well as the groups where the campaign was posted. Learn more about Campaigns in the Workplace Help Center.
Easily find links shared in a chat thread

Easily find links shared in a chat thread

In addition to seeing all files and media shared in chat, Workplace cusers can now see all links ever shared in a chat thread on the right side of the screen.
Go from a photo or video to the riginal post

Go from a photo or video to the riginal post

Previously, if you were viewing a photo or video from a post, the only way to return to the post was with the back button. This didn't work if you reached the photo or video from a link. We’ve added a ‘View post’ link to media that belongs to a post, so you can easily navigate to the post itself.
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