What's New in Workplace? January 2022

All the latest Workplace product announcements and feature releases.

We’re back from the holidays and ringing in the new year with a bunch of new Workplace features. We’ve made some big upgrades to live online events and added some new insights features. Read on for more details.
[Early Access] Bring your entire company together with online events

[Early Access] Bring your entire company together with online events

We are introducing new and improved ways to keep your company connected through events and broadcasts. When setting up an event, you now can choose an online location — and for online events taking place on Workplace, the broadcast setup experience has never been more streamlined.
At the same time, we are improving the broadcast scheduling experience within Live Producer by making it possible to schedule far in advance and to easily find all your upcoming broadcasts all in one place.
Finally, we are adding the possibility to invite by group, add up to 50,000 attendees and providing posting permission for non-hosts. We want you to be able to create meaningful moments inside your organization.
To get early access, go to your Admin Panel and select What’s New. You will see this listing at the top of the page and can click Manage early access to get started.
Sync recurring events with other calendars

Sync recurring events with other calendars

Earlier this year we launched a calendar integration that syncs Workplace events with Outlook, Gmail or other calendar tools. Now, we’ve updated the integration, to include support for recurring events. This means that event creators can now enable recurring events to sync with attendee calendars. Learn more about syncing events from Workplace into other calendars in the Help Center.
View performance insights directly from a post or video

View performance insights directly from a post or video

Creators and admins can now find out how their content is performing right from their posts, including brand new metrics such as click-through rate, engagement rate and post completion rate. Creators and admins will also be able to track video content performance more accurately with new video viewership and engagement insights. And these new metrics can be automatically exported for easy reporting.
New instance and group insights

New instance and group insights

We’ve made improvements to the way admins view insights. A new Top posts list in the Insights panel highlights the top performing content in your Workplace. Plus, we’ve introduced a scrollable view for the People, Top posts and Top contributors lists.
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