Posting permissions in Workplace groups
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Group admins can decide who is able to post into their group and whether posts need to be individually approved by an admin or moderator.
Posting permissions can be given to:
- Group admins only.
- All group members.
- Anyone within your organization, even if they aren’t a member of your group.
If you’d like anyone to be able to post in your group without joining, it will need to be an open group.
Change posting permissions for your group
To change posting permissions for your group:
- Click
below the group's cover photo.
- Click Admin options.
- Click
next to Who Can Post, select Anyone in the group, Only admins or Anyone in the community.
Require admin or moderator approval for all new posts
To make it so that all new posts will need to be approved before being seen by other group members:
- Click
below the group's cover photo.
- Click Admin options.
- Click
next to Require Post Approval.
- Select either On to require approval for all posts, or Off to let members post directly to the group.