How do I use navigation assistant on Workplace?

Navigation assistant is a tool for people who wish to use screen readers or keyboard shortcuts to get around Workplace. If you use your keyboard to navigate, navigation assistant is always the first element on the page, even when it can't be seen visually.
To open navigation assistant, press tab to move focus from your browser toolbar to the webpage.

Moving around in navigation assistant

Navigation assistant is a menubar that contains 3 menus: Sections of this page, Other pages on Workplace and Accessibility Help.
  • To move between the menus in the menubar, use the left and right arrow keys.
  • To open a menu, press enter or return.
  • To move within a menu, use the up and down arrow keys. You can also use letter keys to jump to the next menu item that starts with that letter.

Using Sections of this page

The Sections of this page menu lists the landmark regions that are on the current page. All pages on Workplace are divided into large sections called landmark regions. Most pages on Workplace include a main content region. For example, if you’re on your profile, the main content region includes your timeline. If a page on Workplace contains a main content region, it'll be listed as the first item under Sections of this page.
Some examples of other regions you may find under Sections of this page are Search Workplace and Create a post.
To move your keyboard focus to one of the sections in the menu, press enter or return.

Using Other pages on Workplace

The Other pages on Workplace menu lists pages outside of your home page and News Feed. Some examples of pages you may find under this menu are Profile, Notifications and Settings.
To move your keyboard focus to one of the pages in the menu, press enter or return.

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