Collaborate with coworkers on a Note

Computer Help
You can invite coworkers to collaborate on notes with you in real-time. You can either invite coworkers individually, or automatically add all the members of a Workplace group. Everyone who worked on the note with you will be credited as a contributor when the note is published.
Notes can only be written when logged into Workplace from a computer.
To add collaborators to your Workplace note:
  1. Create a Note.
  2. Click + Add Contributors on the top right of your note.
  3. Search from the name of the coworker you would like to collaborate with.
    • Alternatively, search for a group to invite all of its members to collaborate on your note.
  4. When you have added all the individuals and groups that you would like, click Save Changes.
A notification will be sent to any individuals (but not group members) that you have invited to edit your note.
Remove collaborators from a note
To remove collaborators from your Workplace note:
  1. Click + Add Contributors on the top right of your note.
  2. You can now view the list of collaborators on your note.
  3. Click Remove next to the individual or group’s name.
  4. Once you have removed all the individuals and groups that you need to, click Save Changes.

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