Export data on people and groups in Workplace

Computer Help
This article is only applicable to admins with relevant permissions.
To export data on people or groups in your organization’s Workplace:
  1. Click Admin Panel Admin Panel in the left menu on Workplace.
  2. Click Insights Insights.
  3. Select either the People or Groups tab depending on which you want to export data for.
  4. Click in the sections you want to export data for.
To view imports/exports on data on people in your organization’s Workplace:
  1. Click Admin Panel Admin Panel in the left menu on Workplace.
  2. Click People People.
  3. Click the Imports/Exports tab.
Here, you can also download files that have been imported or exported in the past 4 days.
To export group member details:
  1. Click Admin Panel Admin Panel in the left menu on Workplace.
  2. Click Groups Groups.
  3. Use the filters to find the group.
  4. Click More to the right of the group, then click Export members.
All the data abides by standard privacy policies, but admins will not be able to see email addresses or departments for users from another company if the export group is a multi-company group.

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