How do I get alerts on Workplace about unrecognized logins?

Computer Help
You can improve the security of your Workplace account by getting an alert when someone tries logging in from a device or web browser we don't recognize. These alerts will tell you which device the person tried logging in from and where it's located.
To get alerts about unrecognized logins:
  1. Click your profile picture in the bottom left of Workplace, then select Settings.
  2. Click Security and Login.
  3. Click Edit next to Get alerts about unrecognized logins.
  4. Choose where you want to receive your alerts, such as your email account or with a Workplace notification on a recognized device.
  5. Click Save Changes.
After you start getting alerts about unrecognized logins:
  • When you receive a login alert, you can tell us if you recognize the login activity by selecting This was me.
  • If you don't recognize the login activity, select This wasn't me. We'll help you reset your password and secure your account.
  • You can save a device or browser to your list of trusted browsers or recognized devices. This way, you won't get alerts about the computer or mobile device you usually use to log into Workplace. Don't choose this option if you're using a public computer (such as one in a library or cafe).

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